Author: Anita

Songwriter’s struggles

? SONGWRiTER’S STRUGGLE ? ✨ When I’m deeply inspired, I usually “get” almost the whole song in one breath… ✨✨ ✨However, there is always something missing, maybe a few words, maybe a part of the song’s structure, maybe I just need to work on…

“The 39 Steps” Theater Show

The 39 steps OPENING NIGHT: 12.10.2018. / KONTESA / THEATER COMEDY / ZAGREB / CROATIA BUY TICKET / KUPI KARTU / VIŠE INFORMACIJA O PREDSTAVI / MORE INFO Prema dogovoru s Edwardom Snapeom za Fiery Angel Limited John Buchan i…

New Release “Soldier”

I am happy to present you my new song “Soldier”, released on Wednesday, 21.3.! 🙂 It’s inspired by the story of the Cambodian soldier I’ve heard during my travelling through Asia. It’s what you go through after seeing things no…

Places, chords & tonalities

How our surroundings influence our thinking patterns Just like our biochemistry has an effect on our thinking, there is also an influence on our mindsets that we get from our surroundings. Similar to music harmony it is all about being consonant…

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