
Songbroker welcomes Anita Andreis

I signed the publishing deal with Songbroker Music Publishing – a unique hybrid model of publisher/label in a business of licencing for film and TV, representing New Zealand artists. I feel so honoured for this wonderful opportunity. https://songbroker.nz/latest-news-stories/2021/2/9/songbroker-welcomes-anita-andreis

Songwriter’s struggles

? SONGWRiTER’S STRUGGLE ? ✨ When I’m deeply inspired, I usually “get” almost the whole song in one breath… ✨✨ ✨However, there is always something missing, maybe a few words, maybe a part of the song’s structure, maybe I just need to work on…

“The 39 Steps” Theater Show

The 39 steps OPENING NIGHT: 12.10.2018. / KONTESA / THEATER COMEDY / ZAGREB / CROATIA BUY TICKET / KUPI KARTU / VIŠE INFORMACIJA O PREDSTAVI / MORE INFO Prema dogovoru s Edwardom Snapeom za Fiery Angel Limited John Buchan i…

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